Say no to self-help,

Say yes to God's power.

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Close the gap.

Is there a gap between God’s promise of abundant life and your own daily experience?

We want to help you close that gap. You don’t have to settle for too little.
The time is now for humble dependence on God and a plan to walk in His power!
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The path to victory.

Making disciples who make disciples.

8 Weeks
T7R Groups
Catch the vision for saying no to self-help and yes to God’s power.
Take quiz
Read book
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Live orientation
Small group discussions
4 Weeks
"One Thing" Groups
Identify one thing holding God’s blessing back and put it to death.
Advanced Assessment
Address 1 thing
Sharpening Conversations
Accountability Plan
Advanced Training
Become someone who can pass on what you’ve received to others.
Facilitate T7R Groups
Discipleship coaching
Weekly Encouragement
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Quarterly in-Person events

You can change...
but you can’t do it in your own power.

If you’ve grown accustomed to bad habits, written off lifelong battles as unwinnable, or believed that some destructive behaviors can never be changed, I get it.

I’ve been there.

Three weeks after Jesus saved me, I found myself with a clear glass pipe of crystal meth in my hand.

I took a hit, and in a moment, the drug’s rush was followed by crushing condemnation.

I know what it’s like to feel like a spiritual impostor. The truth is, we’re all in recovery, but we like to pretend we’ve got it all buttoned up.

Jesus has saved you, but there’s still a lot of transformation that God wants to do. You can change, but you can’t do it in your own power.

When I embraced God’s transforming power, He won the war over cocaine, whiskey, and my deadly choices.

He wants to do the same for you no matter what you battle!

It’s time to walk in victory.

8-Week LIVE Intensives
Join Karl for 8 LIVE sessions to learn about The 7 Resolutions and practical ways to implement them in your life.
4-Week “One Thing” Groups
A T7R facilitator will guide you and a small group of other disciples through identifying what is holding you back and making a plan to get victory over it.
Weekly Encouragements
Be encouraged by Karl every week so you can stay the course.
Member-Only Webinars
Hear directly from Karl and expert guests on a regular basis. Be inspired and get answers to your burning questions.
Exclusive Access
Archives of all emails and Karl's coaching sessions are available on demand.
Make a Difference
Begin your journey toward making disciples and becoming a T7R group facilitator.
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What are the 7 Resolutions?

Stories of transformation

Here’s how people’s lives are changing because of T7R Coaching.
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Dr. Erwin Lutzer

Pastor Emeritus, The Moody Church, Chicago

"This is the best book I have read that balances a life motivated by grace yet also shows the need for spiritual disciplines. It avoids the errors of legalism and also the opposite errors of permissive grace. Yes, it does show clearly where self-help ends and God’s power begins. Karl’s honesty and vulnerability about his own struggles makes this book welcoming, and hope filled. It provides specific direction for every one of us who long to see God’s continuing transforming power in our lives."

Dr. Crawford W. Loritts Jr.

Author, speaker, radio host; founder and President of Beyond Our Generation

"I love this book! Thank you, Karl, for so clearly underscoring the reality that Jesus is in the business of transforming our lives. We can indeed win our biggest battles. But we are not passive bystanders in our victories. The 7 Resolutions points to the reality of our part in receiving and experiencing God’s promises for our lives: decision and resolve. You will find, however, that these resolutions are not anchored in “bootstrapping” self-determination, leading to failure and frustration. No, they are expressions of our reliance on the power of the Holy Spirit to produce change and transformation. Thank you, my brother, for this treasured gift!"

David Nelms

Founder and President, TTI

"The 7 Resolutions is written by a man who has been changed by the power of almighty God. It flows from the heart of a man who longs to see disciple-makers raised up and multiplying. You can feel Karl’s passion and his hunger for kingdom advancement on page after page. It’s one of those books you can’t put down and wish you had read decades sooner! If you thirst for first-century, New Testament, book of Acts Christianity, read the book. You won’t regret it!"

Ben Calhoun

Lead singer and songwriter, Citizen Way

"The Bible says in John 14:26, “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” Karl addresses how that truth can lead his readers to real healing and growth instead of the world’s counterfeit. It’s refreshing to hear the truth."

Lina Abujamra

Author of Fractured Faith; founder, Living with Power Ministries

"In his wonderfully practical book, Karl offers deep insight and biblical wisdom for lasting change. If you’re looking for tools to defeat the lies in your mind and overcome negative patterns of thinking, run and get this book."

Dr. Gary Rosberg

America’s Family Coaches; author, speaker, marriage coach

"The 7 Resolutions resource that you are holding in your hands delivers straight talk from a genuine and authentic man: Karl Clauson. His vulnerable style of writing puts you in the room with him whether you listen to him on radio, sit under his teaching at conferences or church, or walk with him as a friend as I have the honor of doing. This isn’t self-help. This is all about joining God and experiencing the real deal of His wisdom, love and grace. Read it. Digest it. Share it. Open your heart to God’s truth and promises and put on your seatbelt for the ride of The 7 Resolutions."

Dave Wilson

Host of Family Life Today

"When Karl speaks or writes, I listen. He is one of the most authentic and inspiring men I know. He will light up your life in one second. I find myself smiling and excited about life every time I’m around him. Karl had me from the first page of this book. God has miraculously changed Karl’s life and He wants to do the same with yours. Jump into The 7 Resolutions and let God transform you into the person He created you to be!"

Robert Lewis

Pastor, founder of Men’s Fraternity and BetterMan

"From time to time a book comes along that offers more than a good story line or helpful insights. It feels anointed. That’s my sense of Karl Clauson’s The 7 Resolutions. It carries prophetic calls we desperately need today to counter the ever-darkening culture now challenging us. Its truth powerfully penetrates the “soft” Christianity and self-effort so many believers are mired in. It’s so on-target for our day. I cannot recommend it strongly enough... not just to read, but vital truth to gather around with others and master. It’s that needed!"

Chris Brooks

Senior Pastor, Woodside Bible Church; host, Equipped with Chris Brooks

"Karl Clauson is driven by a bold and unshakable faith that you can be free! His confidence in God’s power to radically heal you from addiction, pain, and brokenness is not theoretical; it comes from his own personal healing journey and encounter with God’s liberating grace. The 7 Resolutions is a clarion call to anyone who is ready to join God and kill sin! In Christ... freedom starts today!"

It's time to walk in the victory God has promised.